Wednesday, April 28, 2010


No i don't think its ok for a parent to go through a kids text message, or letters. Because its a thing called privacy and everybody needs there privacy and some parents think they can just do what they want because there adults and it dont always work like that. Its not right because they might have stuff in there that they dont want a parent to see and if they wanted there parent to see they would show them. Like if my mom or dad went through my stuff i get mad so they now no not to go through my private stuff. my stepmom use to go through my phone, my letters, and through my stuff in my room. I would get so mad when she use to do this stuff. Than me and her got into a big fight about it and she didnt do it again. But my dad respects my privacy and doent go through my stuff he would never do that and thats how it should be. Its only ok to invade someones privacy when it has to do with something that is illegal. And than the police and invade your privacy but other than that its not ok to invade someones privacy. When your parents do it they are just trying to be nosey because thats what parents do. I also dont think its right for a concerned friend to invade your privacy either.

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